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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How much Protein should you consume on daily basis?

Monsieur Asad

Why this importance only to protein??

Few nutrients are as important as protein.Protein is a key nutrient for gaining muscles strength and size,losing fat, and smashing hunger. This macronutrient is crucial for building and maintaining muscle mass. It also increases satiety, which is why it is that much important for all of us. Read till last to gain some interesting facts about it. 

Proteins are the main building blocks of our body used to make muscles, tendons, organs and skins etc.

Life without protein would be like a journey without a car.

Proteins are made up of smaller molecules called amino acids which are linked together, these linked molecule form a long protein chain.

How much protein is healthy??

However, there are vastly different opinions on how much protein a person should eat.

According to DRI is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight or roughly 0.36 grams per pound.

This also depends what your future goal is and what type of workout you do. Whether you are a athlete or bodybuilder or just a normal guy who's lifestyle is sort of sedentary or you are a pregnant mother, in all case protein requirement is different from person to person and body to body.

All it also depends whether you have to gain weight or cut down fat.

Before starting any sort of medication or supplements please go to your family doctor to get a more prescribed format of what you need. This is just a lookout of how much one can take.
Taking above the prescribed level is at your own risk. 

Athletes and bodybuilders can take 0.9-1 or even 2 grams of protein per kg of  body weight. For those who are at there peak level they can take 3 grams per body weight.

A sedentary guy needs 0.8 grams of protein per kg of  body weight.

An older person needs 1.2-1.5 grams per kg of body weight.

A mother who is pregnant needs a total of 75-100 grams of protein per day for better growth of fetal tissues .

From where you can get the required protein ?

Since each high protein food has different amino profile so it is recommended to eat different range of protein sources.

Some are as follows:

1. Chicken breast
2. Eggs
3. Fish
4. Red meat

If you are looking for vegan sources then here they are:

1. Soyabeens
2. Tofu
3. Cottage Cheese
4. Legumes 
5. Nuts
6. Seeds like pumpkin, sunflower, chia, flaxseeds etc
7. Seitan
8. Pulses

And if still you are not able to get that required protein intake daily then you can go for whey protein powders which roughly contain 23-24 grams of pure protein per scoop, which further depends on brands to brands.

At the end i have placed a link to some of the whey protein which i am using and have heard from my colleagues that they are good to use. 

How to calculate your amount of protein??

There are many fitness calculators that help you find your protein intake amount . Be sure to first take out your total amount of protein intake.

I hope my work helps you understand how much protein is required. Though this is a short guide but will help you. And you work does not end here, to those of you who are reading this please make sure you share this post to your friends, your family so that they can start taking right amount of protein in their life.

This post is purely my original work and nobody has the right to copy it.
For further queries contact on mn6899217@gmail.com in working days.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Supplements that should be taken in daily life

Monsieur Asad

Going to the supplement aisle at your local health store can be a big task to choose. In order to preempt your desperate real-time shopping questions for Dr Google, here's a little supplemental guide on the gold star rated vitamins and minerals that you need.

Of course, this roadmap is just a basic guide to supplements. They are used for different reasons and differ from person to person. Check with your doctor for more personalized guidance. You should call your doctor before adding any supplements in your diet.

Let's start this guide:

1. Multivitamins

Multivitamins are a great form of health 'assurance' because you are giving your body the essential vitamins, minerals , and antioxidants that it needs for optimal health.

Food is the ideal source of those nutrients, but there’s no way to know for sure that you’re consistently fueling your body with everything it needs. In fact, studies show that you can eat a healthy diet and still be on average about 57% short of crucial nutrients!

Turns out Mom was right when she told you to take your vitamins…

2. Omega-3s

This supplement is near and dear to my heart! Omega-3s helped my uncle survive a traumatic brain injury from a hit-and-run accident, and these healthy fats continue to be a big part of his recovery.

That’s because omega-3s protect your brain, as well as helping heal brain trauma, boosting your mood, and improving overall brain function.
It’s been said that inflammation is at the root of all disease, and omega-3 fatty acids are a powerful ally in the fight. They’ve been proven to lower inflammation, which can in turn help alleviate chronic pain, arthritis, asthma, autoimmune disease, and even fight cancer!
Struggling with high cholesterol? It’s omega-3s to the rescue! This daily essential can help lower harmful triglycerides and LDL and increase levels of HDL, the good cholesterol that keeps your arteries clean.
So many reasons to be sure you add omega-3s to your daily supplements!

3. Probiotics

The living organisms in your gut (also known as your gut microbiome) are essential – they’re your first line of defense against inflammation and infection.
The key to keeping your gut healthy is to increase the amount of healthy bacteria, while lowering the harmful ones. That’s where probiotics can help!
The healthy bacteria from probiotics protect you from stomach upset, food sensitivities, vitamin deficiencies, allergies, and autoimmune disease. These helpful flora also eliminate toxins and dispose of potentially harmful waste.
Another important reason to keep the microbiome healthy is that the gut flora affects the chemicals that determine your mood, appetite, sleep quality, and even your sex drive!
You know your gut is in trouble if you have leaky gut, gas and bloating, joint pain, fatigue, headaches, or trouble losing weight or keeping it off.
If you’re constantly fighting infections, taking antibiotics, or under lots of stress (and who isn’t!), taking a high-quality, daily probiotic will protect your immune system and heal your gut, while keeping you well-rested, frisky, and happy!

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is super common, so much so that it’s now considered an epidemic associated with several serious diseases.
Although called a vitamin, vitamin D is actually a hormone! It has an impressive list of important functions in your body, including keeping your bones and teeth healthy and strong, boosting your immune system to fight infection and autoimmune issues, protecting your heart, and supporting muscle function. 
Research also shows that vitamin D can even help improve the symptoms of depression and may also boost weight loss by improving your mood and controlling your appetite.
Although 20 unprotected minutes under natural sunlight encourages your body to make vitamin D, many of us don’t get enough, especially in the winter. And that deficiency during colder months can negatively affect your health all year round!
If you live in a seasonal climate or a desk job keeps you from getting enough time in the sun, supplementing with vitamin D can make a huge difference to your overall health. (Remember, sun exposure while you’re wearing sunscreen won’t help you produce more vitamin D.)
If you’re experiencing symptoms of vitamin D deficiency like fatigue, frequent viral illness and infections, aches and pains, or bone and muscle weakness, it’s time to visit your doctor to get tested and start supplementing!

This is just a guidance of short supplements that should be taken on daily basis.
Thank you for reading this post till end. For more content on health and fitness feel free to explore our site Easy Pricks.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Beginner's Guide to train your legs

Monsieur Asad

From Chicken legs to muscular legs. Here is the beginners guide to get them.

Want those buffed up legs ?

So lets get started :

1. Squats 

A squat is a strength exercise in which you have to put your back straight . The most obvious benefit of all variation of squat is to build muscles like quadriceps, hamstring and calves.
Many experts recommend to do a set of 10-20 daily in order to build that endurance.

However there are atleast 21 variations of squats and all intend to build your leg muscles only. I will recommend to start from a basic squat first then proceed to next level squat.  

2. Lunges

Lunges are an all rounder exercise which helps to get increased body balance, increased flexibility of hips and better core stability.
All you have to do is perform a proper form of it. It is a single leg bodyweight exercise which also hits your glutes, quads, hamstring, and core muscles .

These can help you build up your lower body strength and endurance. A proper set of 10 is good for a beginner to start this regime.

3. Mountain Climber

Don't go with its name, you don't have to go to mountains in order to perform it, you can simply do it in your home easily.
They are incredibly good as one of the compound exercise.They hit a large group of muscles and joints at the same time .

They are one of the killer exercise that get your heart rate pounding fast while also firing nearly every muscle group in the body including deltoids , biceps, triceps, chest muscles. 

4. Leg Press

This is a weight training exercise in which the individual pushes a weight or resistance away from them using their legs . They hit hamstrings, glutes, quadriceps,hip adductors muscles which further help in strong lower body and increased endurance.

It is prescribed to use a weight that is neither high nor low for your body and then increased it as you are getting stronger each day.

5. Barbell  Deadlifts

The reason for me to put this exercise at last is that it involves all the muscles that above exercise hit.
The barbell deadlift builds a total body strength by targeting your lower and upper back including your hamstring , traps , glutes ,quads. Also increases core strength and stability.

It is one of the best total body exercise for strength , building muscle mass . Correct deadlifting technique enables to hold their back straight throughout its movement. You can atleast do 10 reps of your preferred weight and by preferred weight i mean the weight your are able to pick up easily without any difficulty.

This is just a lookout what a beginners leg workout should be . Before you start training do a proper warmup exercise to prevent injury . 
For more detailed view of this contact me on my email mn6899217@gmail.com and also for any query related problem.
This content is purely my own work and nobody has the right to copy it.

Thank you for reading my post . For more information about health and fitness you can look into my other posts which are helping thousands to get fit.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Want to train your Delts ?

Monsieur Asad

"to get equal proportionate look of body, try to train both upper and lower part equally"
                                                                                                                                          by- Asad Alam

Few men pay importance to shoulder day, only some neglect it on their risks .So from now pay heed to those shoulders cause you are not going to sit back, relax you are going to train your shoulders.

Aside from strengthening your upper body muscles and the bones beneath them, you’ll safeguard your body against injury and let’s face it, you’ll create an aesthetic men want to replicate and woman go crazy over.

Let's get Started by these Exercises

Note: Don't do any workout before doing a warm up exercises . And exhale and inhale properly during your workout . 

Each breath is important for that pound of muscle you train. 

1. Overhead Barbell Press / Military Press

Simple progression check is to look that your back is straight not bended and your grip is neither wide nor narrow, it should be equal to your shoulder width.

Alternative to this exercise is: Dumbbell Overhead Press

Same precautions are needed to be kept in mind to do overhead press.

2. Standing Dumbbell Fly / Seated Dumbbell      Fly

You just have to sit back and pick up weight that is up to your mark .

Just remember not to do ego lifting.

3. Dumbbell Bend Over  Lateral Raises

Remember to keep your back straight, bend half-way in air and neither be inwards nor outwards just look down to feel balanced.

4. Plates Front Raise / Dumbbell Front Raise 

Just remember proper technique is important.

5. Seated Cable Row 

Don't arch your back, remain tight, chest out and breathe in and out correctly.

This content is purely my own work and nobody has the right to copy it.

Thank you for reading my post till here. For more content check out my other post present on Easy Pricks and enjoy learning.

Pre-Workout Foods

Monsieur Asad

"body is not made in days rather it takes several years of hard work along with persistent dropping                                                           of  sweat "                     

                                                                                         by- Asad Alam

Why you should always Eat your Pre Workout Food?

So lets talk why you should always eats you pre workout meals/ foods. Many people carry out what is called fasted cardio,they wanna burn more calories,wanna look more sexier and slim, unless you are doing cardio in early morning 5am - 6am, you need to fuel your body after each and every workout.

If you dream't of a physique like Arnold or Brandon Harding then you will need to provide that energy to drive it to there and that energy comes from pre workout foods.

If you fail to provide yourself that energy then you are most likely going to not getting results for which you have so long or you are going to hurt yourself by those heavy weights.

1. Gives You Energy

Our bodies mainly look for carbohydrates and glycogen as their main fuel first. This is because carbohydrates and stored glycogen can be converted into ATP(energy) faster than protein and fats .
Therefore eating those foods that are rich in carbohydrates and filling up that glycogen store will provide a huge rush of energy.

2. Prevents Muscle Breakdown

When we exercise our body uses up that glycogen store and after their depletion they start looking for more energy source which then becomes - our muscles. By breaking down hard-earned muscles, body can utilize that amino acid profile to build that energy. And this is bad which puts your body into catabolic state which can prevent muscle growth and recovery.

3. Increased Muscle Strength

By eating the right combination of food you will not only provide a good rush of glycogen but also have a quality protein which will help to promote muscle-protein synthesis and therefore putting your body in anabolic state where you will recover faster and faster muscle growth.

When and What to Eat in Pre Workout

In every meal you will eat you will have to look for these ratios of three macronutrients: carbohydrates,protein and fats.


You can eat your meal before 1 hr or 30 min before going to gym.

Eat simple carbohydrates along with some protein.

Pre-Workout Foods

1. Bananas

Bananas are a great source of simple carbohydrates and natural sugars along with potassium. Eating a banana as a pre workout is a great way to boost that glycogen level and also spike those blood sugar levels.

2. Apples slices with Peanut Butter 

 Enjoy these tasty slices of apple with peanut butter . But remember to eat them 1 hr before your workout.

3. Oatmeal

This pre workout contain complex carbohydrates and is also great source of fibre. By eating this your body will slowly digest it to keep you full for longer time. A great way to have a oatmeal is to mix 1 scoop of whey protein along with slices of banana with peanut butter.

4. Shakes 

These smoothies are rich in nutrients and high in calories. Just add these fruits that are shown above, mix in a juicer and have a calorie dense smoothie.

5. Eggs

These should be consume 1 hr before a workout as these are lean source of protein and calories. You can either have whole eggs or have a scrambled egg with some roti to provide extra carbohydrates .

6. Chicken

Actually this is a classic pre workout meal which every gym goer takes and even bodybuilders. By providing a lean source of protein it will help your muscle to be in anabolic state.
Can be taken 1 hr before going to gym.

7. Wholegrain Bread , Brown Rice

Whole grain bread and brown rice are a great source of complex carbohydrates that should be consumed 1 hr before .
Combining these with lean protein source will provide a slow releasing energy to fuel your body during your workout.

8. Sweet Potato , Yogurt 

Good protein along with complex carbohydrates will surely fill you up till your workout but remember to take it 1 hr before it otherwise you will not enjoy doing your workout.

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How much Protein should you consume on daily basis?

Why this importance only to protein?? Few nutrients are as important as protein.Protein is a key nutrient for gaining muscles stre...

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