Sunday, November 3, 2019

Rise of Air Pollution in India


Why there is rise in air pollution?


Why all of a sudden there is rise of stubble burning in this century ?

In olden days there were not these efficient machines to do work , all the farmers had to manual harvesting in 1990's but after this mechanical harvesters began to spread which made work easy.

So what they they just cut the crops above 2 foot from roots so in order to save time and sow more crops to earn more so called money they just flauntly  burn it without thinking what it will do to our environment and we should'nt blame our farmers cause they are not even educated . Our so called responsible governments is responsible for it.
First of all our government should look other facts also instead of just concerning about hindu-muslim fact. Seriously they need to grow up if India needs further psychological improvement.  
Data is showing that 46% increase in pollution is due to it.

2. Increase of carbon emission by factories:

Did you know that carbon emission has increased by 20% and this is leading to increase global temperature by 3-5 degrees by 2100 according to U.N.Which means that summers are going to get more hotter, winters are going to get more colder and there will be droughts and more floods where not millions but trillions would be effected by it . We are seeing this in present situation  there is water scarcity, floods,droughts etc and this is just because there is rise of 0.8 degrees in average global temperature in world.I wonder what would happen when there would be rise by 3-4 degrees.

Governments and policy makers,democrats all need to be awaken now cause if not now then it would be late to curb it .

As shown by data and statistics that there is a US based company named EXXON MOBIL COMPANY that new 25 years earlier that our average temperature is going to rise and still no action is being taken .

3. Race to cut down old forest present around India 

There is an undergoing controversies to cut down Arraey Forest present around mumbai and many others like it . Government had to do just sign the papers and it will be all down. Did you all know that these forest are the only source of fresh air in mumbai yet there is no effect to our so called government.
Construction is going on to build buildings for the people of a #2 POPULOUS COUNTRY.


1. Plant trees where you are living. Make your neighbourhood green.Take care of it.Nurture it and water it regularly.

2. Pressurize the government about it by taking active participation in climate change strikes,use banners and join the movement that has been started by a young climate change activist Greta Thunberg who is fighting for her and our future .

3. Make every one aware about it. How to limit it in your family and your surroundings.

4. See that you are not using your vehicle for small distances. Use public transport instead of it.

5. Limit the use of deodorant and room freshners .


1. Wear anti-pollution mask which has a value greater than N95 atleast below it is not useful to curb pm2.5 and pm10 particles or simply which has 5 layer filter.

2. You can put INDOOR PLANTS like SNAKE PLANT,SPIDER PLANT,MONEY PLANT,RUBBER PLANTS,ZZ PLANT.These plants don't need enough water nor even sunlight. You can keep them in your rooms,study tables,office tables,kitchen etc

These are the plants that are prescribed by NASA that they tend to decrease air-borne pollutants.

 3. Limit your use of plastic or plastic bags.Keep your cloth bag in handy where ever you go either to buy vegetables or go shopping in malls.

4. It is also said certain foods especially non-vegetarian foods items have high carbon emissions so eat vegetarian food . I am not saying to not eat non-vegetarian food,you can eat it a week or two.Foods like chicken,eggs,fish have low carbon footprint while lamb,pork have very high carbon index.

  5. If possible limit going outside, Stay indoors, Don't go for morning walk very early let the sun to come first cause as the rays of sun enter earth atmosphere they decipitate all the pollutants out in the atmosphere.

Like wearing helmet is important for safety from road injury , air mask is important for every pound of air you breathe through for your health.

6.  Practice Yoga and meditation daily as it is a great way to relax your body and calm your mind and will also give power to fight against this pollution .

I hope this blog will be helpful to all of us who are reading it.
Further queries mail on
This content is purely my own work and nobody has the right to copy it.


Monsieur Asad

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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